Friday 27 June 2014

All the Tea in China - Part 7 Beijing

After crossing into Beijing Province the first and foremost must see was the Great Wall, after already seeing two (2) other sections of Wall I was still thrilled to see it again at the very touristy but nun less spectacular Badaling section. This section even has a cable car to transport tourists up what would have been a gruelling walk. The fete of original Wall construction is awe inspiring and the man power involved makes it a true construction marvel.

Upon reaching Beijing city, which is not a straight forward exercise, requiring a little logistical forethought due to restricted entry for motor cars on certain weekdays for a particular numbered registration plate, and motorcycles band altogether from inner sections of ring roads circulating the city centre, I settled into hotel accommodation for a three (3) night stay.
On the tourist trail again, I walk passed the 2008 Beijing Olympic Stadium site before catching a Metro train to the Summer Palace to view the huge man made lake and wander the expansive grounds of nobility's summer holiday splendour.


The following morning I was back on the Metro, for a very crowded train ride towards the city centre. Relieved to be off the too close for comfort train I walk through the Hutongs (old city), visit the Temple of Heaven, gain entry to Tienanmen Square on the second try after initially being turned away because I was not carrying my passport for identification during heightened security through an anniversary period. Dark clouds roll in and I cope a rain drenching as I make my way to the Forbidden City, I buy a very cheap single use rain coat to provide a little rain and cold relief before a less crowed train ride back to the hotel.

With only a couple of days left in China, I ride North towards Inner Mongolia for Part 8 of my All the Tea in China tour. 

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